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Afropolitan Founder's Network: The Power of Access

Get access to a global community of professional builders who understand your needs.

Afropolitan, in phase one, has already onboarded 445 founding citizen members. These individuals are leaders in various fields: tech, media, culture, art, finance, and sports. Together our founding citizens represent the strength of Afropolitan’s foundation. Now onboarded into our discord community, launched this February, founding citizens are sharing entrepreneurship, career-building, and funding opportunities.

That’s only the beginning. Over the next couple of months, we will secure partnerships prioritizing what our citizens have the most — access to new opportunities for growth.

Afropolitan started as a community organizer in the San Francisco bay area. We hosted networking events for African founders and professionals to connect, exchange ideas, and advance their ambitions. This organizing culminated in support for the 2019 “Year of Return” in Ghana, an end-of-year event congregating African diaspora in Africa to explore culture and investment opportunities. Shortly after, the COVID-19 pandemic opened up space for Afropolitan to build a digital media presence with a community of 50,000+ followers on Clubhouse. In the Clubhouse space, black people around the world shared their hopes and ambitions and began connecting to build new ventures.

At Afropolitan, we believe in the power of the internet to help people organize around shared values. If the African diaspora were a country, it would be 140 million strong. Our mission is to build a digital nation that enables Africans to tap their limitless potential: themselves.

When you become a founding citizen, you gain instant access to a community of like-minded builders who share an abundance mindset. These builders are ready to roll up their sleeves and support your ideas and projects.

Like you, our founding citizens share Afropolitan’s vision that building a new State, which rejects scarcity, is possible. As such, you will find leaders who have achieved success on their terms and built strong networks of capacity to solve some of Africa's (and Africans’) biggest challenges: financial access, education, and mobility. Moreover, you will find these leaders are ready to share their successes with you because every new win makes life infinitely richer for all of us.

Learn more about how Afropolitan is building strong communities for entrepreneurs.

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