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How Fintech Is Shaping The Future Of Banking With Tayo Oviosu (CEO OF Paga)

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Quote - "A life of service is worth living."

The Afropolitan Podcast highlights Afropolitans who embrace the unknown and walk with purpose. Through this podcast, we aim to empower Africans in the Diaspora to maximize their potential and contribute to the development of a vibrant and progressive black community.

In this episode, we chat with Tayo Oviosu, founder and group CEO of Paga, a mobile payments company focused on digitizing cash in emerging economies. A Stanford-educated professional, Tayo saw a significant opportunity in the financial services industry and founded Paga, which now has over 19 million users and is relentless in bringing financial services to the unbanked.

Join us as Tayo discusses the impact of fintech companies in Africa and how Paga aims to serve the unbanked.

Tayo’s reading list:

  1. True North by Bill George -
  2. My American Journey by Colin Powell -
  3. Shoe Dog by Phil Knight -

Show Notes:

1:33 Tayo's mission for Paga
4:00 Paga's solution to the problem of carrying cash in Nigeria
6:26 Unique challenges faced by Paga during its inception
8:43 Fundraising challenges for African founders
12:28 Paga's approach to engaging regulatory bodies
15:58 Insights on the agency banking model
22:01 Paga's approach to talent recruitment and retention
25:52 Operational challenges faced by Paga during the COVID-19 pandemic
30:01 Tayo's thoughts on leadership challenges
31:26 Books that have profoundly impacted Tayo's life
36:05 Tayo's first experience with failure as an entrepreneur
42:46 The concept of product management in the tech industry

The Afropolitan Podcast is hosted by Eche Emole, co-founder of Afropolitan. Listen and subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Jamit, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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