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How To Build A Decentralized Future with Adeniyi Abiodun (Co-founder and CPO, Mystenlabs)

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Quote: "No one says you need to be an engineer or a PA for life. Nobody said you'll have one particular role for life, but you can actually be capable of a lot more."

The Afropolitan Podcast highlights Afropolitans who embrace the unknown and walk with purpose. Through this podcast, we aim to empower Africans in the Diaspora to maximize their potential and contribute to the development of a vibrant and progressive black community.

In this episode, we chat with Adeniyi Abiodun, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer of Mysten Labs. Mysten Labs is creating infrastructure and tools for the decentralized future. Fed up with the red tape of Big Tech, Adeniyi, together with three former Facebook employees, created Mysten Lab, a startup focused on Web3 and blockchain infrastructure. They were instrumental in the development of the Diem blockchain and Move programming language, a cross-platform smart contract language that helps developers secure against exploits. Adeniyi realized that programming and writing applications were something he cared about and hasn't looked back ever since. His career cuts across finance, product, and blockchain technology.

Adeniyi is passionate about leveraging deep tech to solve developer and consumer problems. Join us as Adeniyi talks about the newly launched Sui blockchain network and his experience fundraising for Mysten Labs.

Adeniyi's Reading List:

  1. The Bible -
  2. Radical Focus by Christina Wodtke -
  3. Inspired by Marty Cagan -

Show Notes:

1:20 - Adeniyi's path to becoming CPO of Mysten Labs

4:19 - The vision behind Mysten Labs

5:18 - Sui's significance in the blockchain ecosystem

11:14 - The contrast between centralization and decentralization

15:19 - Guidance for founders on recruiting and maintaining talent

17:15 - The gaming industry compared to other industries in the ecosystem

18:57 - Advice for newcomers in the blockchain space

20:39 - Adeniyi's most impactful experience with failure and the resulting lessons learned

23:50 - Books that have profoundly impacted Adeniyi’s life

25:36 - Suggestions for founders navigating the fundraising process

The Afropolitan Podcast is hosted by Eche Emole, co-founder of Afropolitan. Listen and subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Jamit, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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