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Affiong Williams - Driving agribusiness in Nigeria

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Quote: "Business is an enabler of good, it's not just about money, it's not just about revenue, it can bring other people up, it can raise other people because you build a successful business."

The Afropolitan Podcast highlights Afropolitans who embrace the unknown and walk with purpose. Through this podcast, we aim to empower Africans in the Diaspora to maximize their potential and contribute to the development of a vibrant and progressive black community.

In this episode, we interview Affiong Williams, the Founder and CEO of ReelFruit, a fruit processing, packaging, and marketing company in Nigeria. ReelFruit's vision is to become Nigeria's largest end-to-end fruit processing company, selling their range of dried fruit snacks and nuts in over 500 locations in Nigeria, as well as airlines, hotels, and schools.

An award-winning brand, ReelFruit has won the Women in Business Competition in the Netherlands and the SME exhibition Creative Focus Africa in Lagos, Nigeria. Affiong was recognized by Forbes Magazine as one of the most promising "30 under 30" entrepreneurs in 2015.

Affiong is passionate about agribusiness and believes in innovative, market-driven solutions to add value to Nigeria's unique agricultural landscape. Join us as we discuss Affiong's journey to founding and scaling ReelFruit, the challenges and opportunities in Nigeria's agricultural industry, and her vision for empowering the local community through entrepreneurship.

Affiong's Reading List:

  1. Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear -
  2. Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike by Phil Knight -

Show Notes:

2:23: Affiong shares her background and introduces herself

4:22: Affiong talks about her journey into entrepreneurship

5:58: Affiong reflects on what she would have done differently

7:09: Affiong discusses the naming of ReelFruit

8:47: Affiong talks about the challenges she faced in expanding the ReelFruit team

12:52: Affiong shares her strategies for building and attracting a strong team

15:24: Affiong discusses the impact of the devaluation of the Naira on her business

17:28: Affiong shares her thoughts on the advantages and disadvantages of being married to another entrepreneur

18:48: Affiong provides tips on achieving work-life balance

22:31: Affiong talks about the importance of gravitating towards others who have skin in the game

24:58: Affiong discusses the impact of Covid-19 on her business and the lessons she learned from the experience

28:34: Books that have profoundly impacted Affiong’s life

The Afropolitan Podcast is hosted by Eche Emole, co-founder of Afropolitan. Listen and subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Jamit, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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